'elb06042' search results
'elb06042' search results. For the search 'elb06042' there were 3 results found by BatteryGuy
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6v 4.5Ah Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid (Rechargeable SLA) Battery | BG-645F16 Volt4.5 ah27 WhL: 2.76"
H: 3.94"
W: 1.86"1.61 lbsThe BG-645 is a high quality 6 volt 4.5 Ah Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid battery offering exceptional value for money.
Power-Sonic PS-640 F1 | Rechargeable SLA Battery 6v 4.5Ah6 Volt4.5 ah27 WhL: 2.76"
H: 3.94"
W: 1.86"1.89 lbsThis is a Power-Sonic PS-640 F1 Terminal battery! The Power-Sonic PS-640 is an industry leading 6 volt 4.5 Ah battery and an ideal replacement for Universal Battery UB645 as well as many others.
6v 4.0Ah Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid Battery | BG-6406 Volt4 ah24 WhL: 2.76"
H: 3.94"
W: 1.86"1.48 lbsBig savings on the BatteryGuy BG-640 F1 Terminal battery! The BatteryGuy BG-640 is an industry leading LOW COST 6 volt 4.0 Ah battery and an ideal replacement for 6 volt 4.5 Ah batteries when on a budget.