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Battery Glossary – Nickel Cadmium Battery

Nickel Cadmium Battery (Nicad) a rechargeable battery that uses metallic cadmium and nickel oxide hydroxide as electrodes. Nicad Cadmium batteries are available in standard cylindrical sizes such as AA, AAA, C, etc..

Benefits of a Nicad Cadmium Battery:

  • More energy density than a sealed lead acid battery.
  • Nicads have built-in chemical protection against polarity reversal or over discharge.
  • Nicads have built-in resealable safety vents to alleviate internal pressure in case of possible abuses.
  • Nickel Cadmium batteries can be easily assembled to get to a necessary voltage and milli-amperage in multiple different configurations to fit inside of a product.

(Video of How a Nickel Based Battery is Made with Transcript)

To find out more about this battery type see the article What are Nickel based batteries.

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