How to store lead acid batteries All lead acid batteries discharge when in storage – a process known as ‘calendar fade’ – so the right environment... 16 4497 1
How to store nickel based batteries Both Nickel Cadmium batteries and Nickel Metal Hydride batteries can be stored in similar conditions. Temperature Nickel based batteries are... 1 1472
How to store lithium based batteries Lithium based batteries require extra attention as improper storage can cause units to overheat and potentially catch fire in a... 32 10583 17
How to store batteries – general advice Different battery types can be stored in different ways. This page is general advice for those who store different chemistries... 1367 1
Do batteries last longer if you keep them in the fridge? This is one of those stories that has a great deal of myth, a little bit of fact and a... 59 7995