How a battery works This 4 minute video by TEDed explains how the battery came about, how it works and what we might expect... 0 426
Battery types This is a list of popular commercially available battery types. For a full list of battery types that have ever... 2 424
Building a battery bank using amp hours batteries In this article we’ll look at different ways to build a battery bank (and ways not to) for amp hour... 25 13575 33
Connecting batteries in series There are two ways to wire batteries together, parallel and series. The illustrations below show how these set wiring variations... 63 32192 52
Connecting batteries in parallel There are two ways to wire batteries together, parallel and series. The illustration below show how these wiring variations can... 182 79130 104
A history of the battery From Benjamin Franklin’s tinkering with glass jars in 1749 to cells so small and flexible they can be integrated within... 2 3842 1
TIMELINE – history of the battery For a transcript of this timeline see the article History of the battery. 477
Why do rechargeable batteries die? There are a large variety of different battery types on the market today (see Battery types) that work in slightly... 21 4735
Can new battery technology help renewable energy finally make sense? In our constant drive to reduce global warming and climate change we see wind, sea and solar power as possible... 3 1098
In Search of the Perfect Battery When we look at early batteries and compare them with what powers our portable products of today like cell phones... 9 731