Emergency and exit sign lighting fixture manufacturers do not make their own batteries. They normally order their batteries assembled straight from China or through battery wholesalers. The lighting manufacturer will typically have their battery privately labeled with their branding and often times their own unique part # on the battery.
Same Battery, Different Part Number
It is very common to have twenty, thirty or more emergency light batteries that are all exactly the same battery in every aspect, but with unique part numbers on each of them. Sometimes the fixture manufacturer will use different part numbers on the exact same battery over and over to designate different lighting products within a company.
Other times a lighting company gets bought out or merges with another company and the part #’s change, but the battery stays the same. Either way, it is very confusing for the end user and typically the lighting manufacturer is able to charge large sums of money for common batteries they have developed unusual part numbers for.
Replacing an Original Part Numbered Battery
The lighting manufactures have strict guidelines the battery manufactures and battery wholesalers must follow in order for the lighting fixture to work and operate in the best possible manner. As long as these specs are met when replacing your lighting battery, you can use anybody’s battery in your lighting fixture without voiding your product’s warranty.
Give the company supplying your lighting replacement battery the part # found on the original lighting battery and ask that they keep you within your original lighting fixtures warranty guidelines. Buying straight from a battery wholesaler or retailer can save you considerable money and prevent you from jumping through hoops with the lighting manufacturer.