All batteries gradually degrade over time. How fast this happens depends on both how often they are used and their general environment (e.g. temperature, humidity, etc.). Chemistry is also a factor – Lithium Ion batteries, for example, last longer than sealed lead acid batteries.
Be aware that batteries degrade and require replacement even if they are never used so periodic checking of the unit or units in your exit sign is critical to ensure they will work when needed.
Checking a Single Emergency or Exit Sign for a Bad Battery
To know if the battery is bad in your exit sign, push the test button on the bottom edge of the exit sign and hold for thirty seconds, a broom handle comes in handy for this. If it does not light up for the entire thirty seconds, you have a bad exit sign battery.
Checking Multiple Emergency or Exit Sign for Bad Batteries
To check multiple exit signs all at once, if it is convenient, shut off the power and verify that all lights stay lit for 30 minutes. When shutting off a breaker box, make sure you have shut down all computers and machinery properly.
Replacing Bad Emergency or Exit Sign Batteries
If the battery is dead, open the exit sign and take note of the part # on the battery. You can then call a battery wholesale or retail company or go online and use a search engine to find the correct replacement battery for your exit sign.
If you can’t locate a part number on the battery or maybe it is not legible, you can note the voltage, amperage, terminal type of the battery and measure the length, width and height of the battery and call a battery supplier to identify it. Your typical customer friendly battery supplier can walk you through how to identify what battery you have if it gets complicated. Other possible reasons your exit sign may not work may include bad bulbs or bad wiring.
You can use Battery Guy to help find a replacement battery with our Six Ways to Find Your Replacement Battery search engine.
When to Check for a Bad Exit Sign Battery
Exit batteries do not operate your exit sign at all times and are designed only for back up in emergency situations when you loose power. The battery in an exit sign in most cases is designed to last at least 90 minutes during a power outage. When power is going to the exit sign, the battery is charging.
It is highly recommended that you check your exit signs on a regular basis to make sure they are operating correctly. Most exit signs fall under governmental guidelines and codes to assure the safety of the buildings occupants during an emergency. If you don’t keep up with your exit sign batteries, your inspector will and you possibly could be fined.
even though
the battery is dead should the light still be on ?
The battery is there to operate the Exit Sign if the power goes off or in emergency situations. The sign will still be lit if power is going to it with a dead battery, but will not light if it has a dead battery and no power.
replacing battery may not always fix it if the unit is no longer charging the battery