  • What are Nickel based batteries

    Nickel based batteries were first invented over 100 years ago when the only alternative was lead acid and are so called because of their use of nickel metals in the electrodes (see Basic structure of a Nickel battery below). In the 20th century they established a name for themselves as…

  • The Nickel Cadmium memory effect – fact or fiction?

    There are a few hot potatoes in the battery world and memory effect in NiCad Cadmium batteries is one of them. The story goes that if you discharge a Nickel Cadmium battery to exactly the same point thousands of times and then recharge it, the battery will remember this discharged…

  • What are Alkaline Batteries?

    Introduced as a publicly available product in the 1960s, Alkaline batteries are now produced in their billions every year and are the world’s most popular household battery. You’ll find them in remote controls, toys, cameras, radios, flashlights and a whole lot more – either in disposable or rechargeable versions. (Video…

  • How to calculate the Watt Hours (Wh) of a lithium battery

    If you intend to ship or you are traveling by air with lithium cells, batteries or battery packs, you will need to know their Watt-hour rating. This applies to lithium metal batteries (disposable) and lithium ion batteries (rechargeable). This is usually stated on the battery itself (see Image 1). If…

  • How to calculate the lithium content in a battery

    If you intend to ship or travel with lithium cells, batteries or battery packs, you will need to know their lithium content. See our Lithium content calculator for quick answers. This applies to lithium metal batteries (disposable) and lithium ion batteries (rechargeable). When considering ‘lithium content’, this does not necessarily mean how…

  • Common battery shipping labels

    Cargo Aircraft Only Label Required by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) on certain types of Lithium Battery. See Shipping lithium batteries. Minimum size: 110mm x 120mm Purchase link Class 9 Hazardous Material Label Required on all batteries defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as a Class 9…

  • Shipping lithium batteries

    Lithium batteries are defined in international regulations and by many transport companies as a hazardous material (HazMat). This applies to both Lithium Metal batteries (disposable) and Lithium Ion batteries (rechargeable), even though the latter do not actually contain lithium. The restrictions apply not strictly because of the lithium content, but…

  • Safety issues with lithium batteries

    Since commercial introduction in the early nineteen nineties, lithium metal batteries (disposable) and lithium-ion batteries (rechargeable) have been produced in their billions. They are the chemistry of choice for cell phones, laptops and electric vehicles due to their high energy storage capabilities, long discharge time and light weight. However, stories…

  • What are Lithium-Ion batteries?

    Lithium-ion refers to rechargeable (or secondary) lithium batteries. They should not be confused with lithium metal disposable batteries which we deal with in the article What are Lithium metal batteries. The field of Lithium-Ion batteries is a fast moving one with new variations based on slightly different chemistries becoming available…

  • Air travel with lithium batteries

    Lithium is a relatively new technology and there are concerns about its stability. Most notably, this battery type has been known to spontaneously overheat and catch fire, which has understandably lead to the introduction of restrictions by airlines and transport companies. In reality, most lithium based batteries now come with built…