There had been widespread concern that the closure of many battery factories in China would have an effect on the prices of SLA batteries as the country is responsible for one third of all global production.
However it appears that any price rises have been largely compensated for via the recent drop in lead prices. Since July 2011 this has dropped from just over $1.2/lb to a low of 80c/lb in June, it’s lowest price so far in 2012.
Lead costs have been volatile since 2005 rising dramatically to record highs of over $1.5/lb before falling back as the global financial crisis took hold. However today’s prices are still well above the stable figures seen in the 1990s.
The general forecast (according to a Reuters report) is that lead will, along with most other metals, will remain stable well into 2013. Lead in particular is singled out because of the market surplus that currently exists.
This new forecast is down on January when traders were in a more optimistic mood expecting both a European and Chinese general economic recovery that did not happen. But future figures still assume an improvement for Europe and China in 2013. However as Metal Miner points out, even though most commentators might believe the only way is up, they also believed that in 2011 only to be disappointed by events.
In the meantime China’s battery production does not seem to have been affected in the dramatic way that many people feared. In fact the news is now more about factories opening than old ones closing, as General Electric opened it’s $170 million dollar facility in New York state this month.
Battery Guy is also committed to keeping the prices of it’s Sealed Lead Acid batteries down and works constantly to provide it’s customers with market leading value for money products.